Transoral laser surgery in the larynx December 9, 2008December 9, 2008admin This is an exciting, developing area of Head and Neck Cancer treatment. Up until more recent years the mainstay for treatment of laryngeal [...]
Parotidectomy and the facial nerve December 9, 2008December 9, 2008admin The facial nerve is very important as damage to it can cause assymetry in the ability to blink, wink, smile and chew food. [...]
Is surgery required for prominent ears. December 9, 2008December 9, 2008admin Prominent ears are a reasonably common phenomenon that are troublesome to children because of teasing that occurs at school but that can be [...]
I cannot hear you December 8, 2008December 9, 2008admin Hearing Loss Hearing is one of our special senses and the disability of not being able to hear can be a significant one. [...]
I keep getting nosebleeds. December 8, 2008December 9, 2008admin Nosebleeds also referred to as epistaxis are a common phenomenon. It occurs in all age groups, both sexes and thankfully most of the [...]
My voice is changing. December 8, 2008December 18, 2008admin A change in voice is an important symptom. It can be important to an individual because of the fact that the person requires [...]
How old should you be to have a nose job? December 8, 2008December 9, 2008admin The nose continues to develop in both its cartilaginous and bony components. It does so via a numer of different growth centres that [...]
What Is the Connection between Adolescence and Stress? August 11, 2008April 8, 2015admin During adolescence, youths are exposed to physical, mental, and social changes as they transition from childhood to adulthood. Naturally, this transition can lead [...]
Nasal Septoplasty August 8, 2008August 12, 2015admin A septoplasty is an operation undertaken by ENT surgeons to straighten the midline cartilage of the nose and is often combined with minor [...]
How Can I Deal With Exam Stress? July 8, 2008April 8, 2015admin It is a fact of life that exam stress happens. From the elementary student all the way up to the PhD student, this [...]
Managing the Stress of Fibromyalgia April 8, 2008September 17, 2015admin When you first learned of your diagnosis, chances are you let out a huge sigh of relief. For many patients with fibromyalgia, it’s [...]
What Are the Different Types of Stress? January 4, 2008April 8, 2015admin Stress is how the human body reacts to the demands placed upon it by both a person’s internal world and the external world [...]